Saturday, March 30, 2024

CCR Research

 Hey guys after all the work in the past couple of weeks it's coming to an end but it's not over yet.

Today I will look at the CCR questions and how to respond to them. In a previous blog post Named "Start of the CCR," I posted notes on the CCR that we had taken in class that day. The two ideas for the two separate videos will be the same. One will be in my room looking at the script while the other is going to be an interview that my sister does to me when she accidently finds me in public. I'm thinking of three places to film the interview one is in the park where we filmed part of the project, another is my town's center where it's more public, and lastly just walking around my neighborhood. I'm thinking the neighborhood one might be the one I will do because there would be much less noise than the other options.

Today I'm going to be looking at previous examples of CCRs that previous students of my teacher have submitted in the past. With the help of these videos, I will see what to expand on in my own CCR.

I'm back, WOW! Those were some incredible samples. They were engaging and interesting to watch and didn't feel as if they were a waste of time. Thanks to these examples I have an idea of how to the questions better. 

For these questions, I'm going to first look at the background information and then respond to the question. For example, the first question asks how the product uses or challenges conventions and how it represents social groups or issues. I would start by saying how the Drama genre usually represents the sports players and how my product changes it and then talk about the representation of the characters in the opening. This is just the first question but all of them will be responded to like this.

Woah that was a lot but it's what it needed to be. That's all for today, catch me later.

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The End

 Hey guys after these past few weeks of hard work the job is done. Today I did some final touches on the project, and I am glad to say that ...