The show I chose is All American. This show starts of with a player of high school football moving from his hood of Crenshaw to getting an offer to play at the Beverly hills high school which represented a lot of changes in the social group that he hung out with.
In his hometown of Crenshaw, the main character Spencer James has a group of close friends that are represented as less fortunate financially demonstrated by what they wear and the way they act. When he is transferred to this expensive neighborhood of Beverly Hills the Spencer feels more uncomfortable with his team and the people there overall. The people in this high school are also represented as completely different as his friends back in Crenshaw. These people wear classy fits, are well organized and look like people that are going to follow their parents' footsteps. The different people in his life represents how different it is in where he lives and where he has to go to school which demonstrates his discomfort around the new society he has to integrate with. As far as if they represent students the costume design does it well by looking at modern day students and making or buying clothes of that sort.
The main issue that they try to solve is BLM movement. This is shown in the first episode that was released after quarantine. This was shown because the BLM protest that happened during the pandemic showed a great concern for the safety of the black community when they met police. As this show represented the future of what would be the black community, they needed to speak up on this and it showed how they fully supported and helped this issue to not get worse.
This show demonstrates the common issues of the students nowadays as well as global problems around the world. The fact that they are represented well compares the characters to people in the real world that are similar to them and want to make the world a better place.
All American S2 E9 Racist Profiling Against Spencer And His Group (
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